November 22

Mark 4:35-37

As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind (although other boats followed). But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water. 

In life it isn’t always easy or smooth to go from one  stage to the next or cross from one life phase to the next. Sometimes you go through some rough patches and other times you face strong storms and winds before you get to the other side. Although in many instances we’re more likely to be tempted to go back to our place of comfort that is the time we ought to press on the most. If you run every time the storm begins to rage you will never reach your destination. 

Wherever you are going on this journey be rest assured that with God you will get there. Do not fear the raging seas, nor the persecutors, nor the lies, nor the trials and the tribulations. Do not fear when the boat begins to waver. When Jesus is in the boat with you, you are guaranteed to get to your destination. Do not let anything scare you into turning back. Keep pushing. Move on further and further. Do not allow anything or anyone dictate to you how far you can go. God is the Lord of your life, therefore wherever He leads you, you ought to go. No matter how scary that journey might seem. Life will have it’s difficult moments and seasons. Easy doesn’t always equate God and difficult doesn’t always equate the devil. Sometimes God allows us to go through difficult times to build us. So do not be afraid when the storm rages. Rather stand firm and push forth greater than you ever have. 

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