November 7

1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

The one who matters the most has you in His agenda. The Lord sees you even when you seem to be invisible to man. The truth of the matter is man does not see beyond the physical. He only sees what is presented on the outside. That which meets the eyes. Because man can only see so far, we will loose ourselves if we put our hope in man. We will loose confidence because they will be looking for the things that does not matter.

The beautiful thing is that God sees you. His eyes are like no other and for that reason He sees beyond mans physical sight. So though it may seem that man has overlooked you, The Lord has not. He sees your hearts, He says your deeds, and He says your mind. Do not let the thoughts, and words of men concerning you determine anything in your life. For God is the ultimate truth, and His view about us is what matters. He sees the very crevices of your heart and that is most significant.

Pay no mind to the judgment of a man or to their invalid assessment of you, because your Lord sees your heart. Don’t let what others may see as weakness, stop you from following the call of God. Do not let the limited nature of their mind suppress you. Keep you mind and heart on Him even as He leads you.

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