February 15

Proverbs 12:17
An honest witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies. 

In a world where everyone is looking out for themselves, a world in which happenings aren’t what they seem, it is very easy find yourself on the wrong side of the fence. As Christians we have a duty of being honest in all our ways no matter what the situation is. No matter what comes our way we have a responsibility of keeping honesty at the forefront of every instance life brings forth. 

We must ask ourselves as Christians and as representatives of Christ, how honest we are. What do we do when we find ourselves in compromising situations? What do we do when we are the only link to solve an issue? Do we lie for our own sake and the sake of others or do we remain honest in everything. We must tell the truth in all instances, even if it doesn’t benefit us. The truth must win over everything every given time. Be an honest witness whenever you have the opportunity. Be honest in and out of season as well as in and out of the spotlight. Let us honor our father in heaven by being honest and truthful in all our ways just as He is the embodiment of truth. 

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