February 14

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

‭‭As we celebrate this day, all we’re thinking about is love, and all everyone is seeking is love. As we enjoy and celebrate in the fullness of this day let us be reminded that love is only made possible for one reason. Love is only possible through our Lord Jesus Christ. We love because He first lived us. We love because He has given us the privilege and the grace to do so. 

There is no way we can celebrate love outside of Him. As you go through your day and as you share in love be sure to remember Him. Be sure to keep Him at the center of it all. Everyday is a great opportunity to love those around us. However today is a day set aside for love. So in all you do love hard and love freely. Love with a heart full of joy and grace. As you celebrate love do not be mean in the love you give rather let it come from the goodness of your heart. Enjoy this day of love and remember that you are able to love because someone first loved you genuinely. 

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