Trust Completely

March 5

We often talk about trusting God, yet it’s one of the hardest things for us to do. We have no problem trusting those who will fail us or in some cases have already failed us. We put our trust everywhere and in everything except in whom we ought to. Trusting God doesn’t have to always fit into our human logic. There are certain elements in this journey with God that will not make sense and that is ok. God knows you better than anyone else can ever know you, including yourself. He knows your every flaw and weaknesses yet He loves you the same.

Trusting Him is beneficial to us because He has our best interest at heart. Do not make the subject of trusting God one that is over logical. You can not trust him while leaning on your own understanding of things. Learn to put everything into the hands of God. Learn to allow Him in leading and ordering your steps as He wants to.

Do not make trusting God a task. One reason why trusting Him is so difficult is because we are not ready to stop being the author of our lives. We must realize that we are not our own, we cannot survive on our own neither can we be our own God. Let your heart be free in trusting God. Know that He is good and that everything He has in store for you is great. Acknowledge Him in every area of your life and in every decision you make. Let your heart rest in Him. Trust Him completely and whole heartedly.

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

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