July 18

1 Corinthians 13:7
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 

Love is beautiful; it is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind. Through Christ Jesus, only, can we find love in Its purest form.  Any kind of love not rooted in Christ is false. Love that isn’t from God does not go far. It seeks for itself, and by so doing, it gives up and gives in whenever self is not satisfied. If you love someone with your strength and your abilities, you will fail. You can only succeed in loving someone beyond yourself if and only if that love is the love of God. 
When you love someone in Christ, with the love of God, you are empowered to thrive and endure. You are encouraged to never give up on the persons in your life. Having God’s love in your heart helps you to keep going at life. It enables you to give love to people and in unencountered situations. The love that the world talks about is far different than the love that is rooted in Christ. Tap into that love and allow yourself to love in a way that is unimaginable and possible only through Christ. Love is a choice that we must daily choose to make. Do not give up, look up to God, and want to love with the heart of Christ. 

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