September 22

Proverbs 17:22

“A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.”

Dwell in the place of joy and live life based on the Almighty God. When you are filled with the Divine Joy of the Lord, you are not easily swayed by the emotions and circumstances that present themselves. Be cheerful in the heart. Do not hand over your joy to the enemy. Do not dwell in the flesh. Joy comes only from the Lord and it is ours for the taking. It is ours even in the commotion and chaos of life. It is very possible to live out of Joy. All it takes is to stay at the feet of Christ and to bask into His wonderful soothing words.

Do not give way to the world in allowing it to drain the very strength you have. You ought to be cheerful no matter what comes your way. Do not let the devil steal your joy. Even when things aren’t going your way make an intentional effort to walk in the joy you have in Christ Jesus. Don’t allow brokenness dry up your bones. Instead, reach out to the one, Mighty and Able to restore and He will restore you back better than you have ever been. Dwell I that place of joy and you will see a difference in your life.


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