August 15

Luke 19:17“‘Well done!’ the king exclaimed. ‘You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward.’

How well do you take care of the little that you have? Ponder on that question, and ask yourself this. Will I entrust me with more than I have at this moment in my life? You be the judge. Sincerely no one in their right mind will entrust someone lazy and careless with anything important. Truth is everyone cares too much about themselves to put the things they value in the hands of those who will misuse it. Now think of it this way, if we as humans in all our flaws and at times lack of good judgment will refuse to give what is essential to those who will misuse it, how much more God.

The God we serve is not mediocre, and He hasn’t created anyone to be average. He will never give us something today with the expectation of that thing beating fruit a hundred folds tomorrow. He is a God who respects humble beginnings. Our efforts make Him proud. He does not expect us to be giants and super hero’s in an instant; instead, He expects us to be humans and build. Whatever the Lord has entrusted you with He is expecting you to put it to work. He is looking to see you multiply the little that He has given you. If you cannot learn to clean the dishes in the kitchen of the restaurant, how can He entrust you with managing that restaurant?

Whatever little thing God has given you is a gift that with adequate care, it can become immeasurable and useful to others. Do not look down on yourself and what you can do. Capitalize on what God has given you, and you will see how far He will take you. Be faithful with your little gift, and the Lord will multiply you. 

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