Agust 4

Psalm 25:15 NIV “My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.”

To be alert and focused on the Lord is essential in this walk. It is so important to be unwavering in your faith, because when you waver easily you also fall easily.
‭‭ It is very important that we keep our eyes on the Lord. He is the only one who can save us from the arrows, the pestilence, the plagues, the ditches, etc. Many times we try to save ourselves from our problems so much so that we end up causing more problems for ourselves. There is nothing out there that we can do without God. We need His guidance and protection in everything that we do. We will realize that when our vision is not screwed our walk is straight. But when our vision is screwed out movement becomes unstable. So keep your eyes on Him. Fix your gaze on His Word. Do not turn your eyes to anyone or anything else because it’s only God that can save you.  Trust in Him and keep Him close and He’ll surely direct you and save you from the grasp of the enemy. In any race you either fall behind or loose when divert your focus. There keep your eyes straight and your path clear.

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