February 28

Luke 6:15

“He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.”

What is it that you value? What do you have in your life that you place so much importance on? Does that thing weigh as much to God as it does to you, or does it mean nothing to God because it is rather something that takes you away from Him? We place so much value on many things. However some of the different objects we place value on are not objects that are worthy. Some, if not many of the elements we place value on in this life has no value to God. We get caught up in the fleeting things of this world, and the material elements that will fade away is what we focus on. Ask yourself, what matters to God? What is valuable to God? When you have answered these questions begin to place value in those things, just as He does. 

When you become more eternity focused you are able to see differently. You are able to find value where God finds value. Ask God to help you see the way He sees. Ask that you will find importance in what He holds dear. If you are not focus on God it will always be easy for your vision to become blurry. Focus your sight and your energy on Him. Seek to find value where He finds value. Do not measure value on the basis and understanding of man, rather derive value from the understanding and revelation of God. 

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