January 11

Matthew 6:1“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”‭‭

It is a dangerous place to be when you realize that you’re seeking pleasure and validation from man especially when it comes to the things of God. There are some people who will hold on to doing good to someone or even go as far as holding on to their worship to God until they can be captured for the world to see or until they’re on a platform of some sort. Our Christianity isn’t a platform for us to gain fame neither is it a platform for us to showcase our talents for the world to see for our own glory. 

God is the greatest rewarded and He looks within the heart. He is not interested in the facade that we put on for the sake of man. Being seen by man doesn’t give you eternal value it simply give you a temporary sense of happiness that will be lost in no time. We ought not to be worried about what the world has to offer us. God is the one we’re looking to please. He is the one we’re living for. We should do everything for His glory and His glory alone. There is nothing wrong with singing or worshipping in a public place such as a church, however the heart and the mind behind it tells it all. Do not wait until you go to church or a conference or an open space to open your mouth and freely praise the Lord. Bless, pray, and praise the Lord in your own closed space. Scream and shout, be reckless, be silent, with your father in your heaven. Do not worry about men, instead keep your eyes on your Father and please Him. 


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