August 15

Psalm 3:5

“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.”

There are instances where we think that is by our own power. Instances where we forget that can do nothing by our own strength. Many times we forget the grace and the goodness of God.  We sleep soundly and wake up soundly and we give credit to our alarms, or parents or loved ones for waking us up. We fail to realize that God is the one who does all this. He literally sits at your bedside and wakes you up. But how many times do we forget to say thank you? How many times do we overlook His grace and His mercy?

Let us take the time to re-evaluate certain things in our lives. Let give honor praise and adoration to whom it is due. Take some time today to bless the name of the Lord, even if not for anything, for waking you up this morning and for sustaining you.

Do you know how many people whose alarm rang thousands of times today but couldn’t wake up? It wasn’t because your alarm is louder than theirs but it is simply because God Himself decided to wake you up. If God decided not to give us another day and another chance at life you and I would not be here. Realize that the life you live is God’s gift and hold dearly unto that gift and bless others with what you have been blessed with. Waking up today was not something due to you because you have earned it was GRACE and LOVE overflowing poured out on you. So yes bless the name of the Lord for He and He alone has given you life.

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