November 19
Proverbs 11:14
“For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.”
As Christians we all need guidance. Guidance to know which path to take and which courses to use. God in His infinite mercy has given us a manual to guide our lives and to order our steps. He has given this to us through His Word, the Bible. However, in addition to His Word, we all need wise counsel. Not just from merely anyone, but from people who are rooted and grounded in the word of God. They are the ones that can surely guide you. For if you have someone who is rooted deeply and embedded in God they have no other counsel to give you but that which comes from God. Individuals like these will always help your growth because they will give you the unadulterated word of God. They will give you the truth and nothing but the truth irrespective of anything.
Yes, Advisors are much needed in our lives. But more important than anything is that kind of counselors we choose. Let us, therefore, be vigilant in choosing those we allow to influence our lives. If it isn’t godly influences we must step away from it because bad counsel can cause us to fall harder than anything else. Find counsel and advisors but be careful to choose one who is grounded firm and deep in God.