February 15

Fear only has the power you relinquish to it. It has only one mission and that mission is to cripple you and stagnate you in every possible area of your life. Now it’s one thing to experience fear in something and another thing altogether to operate in it. To experience it is to be conscious of it and to operate in it is to hand the power and the dominion you have over to it. Fear should never rule over you because you have been given power over it. We should never offer fear a seat in our lives or in our hearts, and when you see fear coming your way, fight it off with the truth of God’s word.

The Bible clearly states that the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear, therefore we ought to have nothing to do with it. What you entertain can very well gain power over you. There should be no fear IN us neither should there be any fear WITH us. Some of us not only carry fear in our hearts but we carry it with us and we distribute it to those that aren’t strong enough to fight it off. Our words and our actions alone can sometimes press so much fear upon those around us. Be careful not to allow religion and traditions press fear upon you because God’s word trumps every tradition and religious practices.

If we truly believe that the Holy Spirit lives in us, we cannot allow fear to dwell in us because the Holy Spirit cannot share His home with another. We ought to shun fear because God is with us and He lives in us. You might not physically see Him around you but he is the only one that will always be there with you and for you.

2 Timothy 2 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

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