September 3

Luke 12:20-21
“But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”

In this life that we are living we are always chasing one thing or another. Whether wealth or success, or power, or fame, or respect, you decide for yourself. There is always something that grabs hold of your attention. Sometimes you give in to that particular thing knowingly and other times you do so without knowing. Nonetheless you are always chasing something whether you believe it or not.

The most foolish thing any man can do is to chase all the things in this world. Store up all the materialistic things on this earth while lacking an intimate relationship with the Lord. It would be absurd to have everything that this world has to offer, yet you miss out on eternity with the father. The things in our world are designed to distract you if you allow it. This life that you live should be dedicated to the Lord. To chasing after Him, building a relationship with Him, doing His work and His will. Do not loose your soul at the expense of chasing the riches of this world. The salvation of your soul, your relationship with God and your eternity is far more important than anything that you can obtain materialistically.

Be mindful of where you store your treasures, and be Mindful of what treasures you are storing.

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