September 2

Mark 6:50
But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage! I am here!” 

There are sometimes certain things in your life that you cannot shake off. There are certain fears that grab hold of you without mercy. It comes in many different forms. At times it comes in the form academic failure, financial ruin, professional failure, bad health, rejection, lovelessness, and many other things. 

There are many things in your life that if you give chance to will ruin you. As a child of God you ought not to be afraid for He is with you. His word said that He will never leave nor forsake you, meaning that in every instance of your life, even in the dark moments He is there. Therefore do not be afraid. Know that He is there with you. In the moments where fear rises to choke the life out of you stand firm and remember that the Lord your God is with you. Believing this and having faith in this alone is the battle itself being won. No matter the position you find yourself in always remember that God remains by your side. As you go through this new month and the remainder of this year, remember always that He is God. He has never left and He never will. 

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