Receive Correction

July 30

Proverbs 9:8

So don’t bother correcting mockers; they will only hate you. But correct the wise, and they will love you. 

Many times those that need correction are the ones who shun it. It seems absurd, but the ones who need instructions indeed reject it when they have it. Fools are quick to dismiss correction. They trust so much in themselves and hold themselves to such high esteem that even when they are corrected, they look the other way. A wise man, however, is always looking to grow, and therefore, a wise man is prudent and more prone to accepting correction from others. Also, a wise man sees correction as an opportunity to gain more wisdom. 

Do not be a fool, for a fool will be walking down the path of corruption yet remain on that path because they refuse to be corrected and advised. A fool will have many regrets because it is always too late when they realize they are foolish. Be like the wise man. Learn to accept correction. Learn to take correction and look at it as an opportunity, and a means to grow within one’s self. Be wise in all your ways, making sure that you listen to the Lord even as you take correction from others. Be sure that whatever you’re accepting is in line with the word of God. 

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