August 6

1 Corinthians 10:14

“Therefore, my beloved, run [keep far, far away] from [any sort of] idolatry [and that includes loving anything more than God, or participating in anything that leads to sin and enslaves the soul].”

Every so often we need to conduct our own personal heart check. This is important because if we get so focused on the monotony our life’s we will stand the chance losing focus and losing faith on the things that matters most. 

We must check our hearts for idols. Although no one wakes up one day and say I am going to build an idol today, it is something we unconsciously and at times consciously do. We begin to pick up idols and set different idolatrous elements in our heart the moment our focus shifts. When we removed our eyes from the Lord, we give it something different to focus on. Now whether that thing is good or not, it doesn’t change anything because if our focus isn’t on Christ, anything else it’s settled on can become futile. The moment your love for men and other things grows the love you have for God begin to die down. Just as it is said you cannot serve two masters. Your heart cannot be after the world and after God at the same time. Do not enslave you’re soul to this world. Keep away from idolatry, and keep your sight on God. 

In all it is important to keep your eyes fixed on God and it is important to check your heart frequently. Because a heart that goes unchecked is a heart that can go rotten. 


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