January 24

Job 22:21

Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you. 

There is so much peace in knowing that God is in control. Much peace and assurance when you know that the hands you of God is upon us and everything we do. With the knowledge of how much peace there is in God, why is it that so many of us refuse to submit our ways to Him? It’s a simple equation. Submitting to Him= peace and all the goodness of Him. Why then do we do everything but submit to Him?

Reality is most of us in one form or the other submit, however who and what we submit to is outside of Christ. Anyone or anything outside of Christ is extremely limited in the things they can do for us. Our God however is not limited in any way. He is able to see far into our future and by that He is able to go beyond us. If you we submit to Him He can give us all that we need and want. The best part of it all is that with in the world we at times gain these things at the expense of our peace but with God it’s a free gift. God always wants the best for us. He wants to give us the desires of our hearts, but we first need to turn them over to Him. 

Submit everything you’re doing into His hands. Give yourself and your dreams over to Him. When you allow Him to take charge you’ll begin to see significant change in your life

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