August 30

1 Corinthians 3:7-8

“So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.”

The sooner we as Christians realize that salvation comes solely from the Lord, the better of we will be. Most Christians get caught up thinking that we are the ones saving lives and because of this, we do not want to approach individuals who are in the world unless we have the right vocabulary and are in the right mood to win them over. The reality is that only God can save. It is in Him alone that salvation we receive salvation. So, we must understand that saving is not in our hands. 

Our task is to plant seeds and to water the seeds. Some of us will have the great honor of planting seeds in the hearts of non-believers, while others will have the privilege of watering the seed that someone else planted. God is the one who gives the increase in that seed. He is the one who draws the heart of the unsaved to Himself. We as Christians must realize that we cannot save a mans soul; only God can do that. Having this in mind, let us take pride in planting and watering the truth of God’s word in the heart of unbelievers and believers alike. If we focus on the planting and watering while allowing God to focus on the increase and the saving, we will see an increase of saved souls. Saving is God’s heart, so let us do our jobs of bringing the souls and leave the saving in the hands of God.

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