July 3

1 Corinthians 16:18

“They have been a wonderful encouragement to me, as they have been to you. You must show your appreciation to all who serve so well.”

Far too often, we make everything so political and unnecessarily difficult. Some of us have a personal vendetta against people in ministry. We at times, take this feeling a little too far. Imagine someone refusing to appreciate a leader or even someone of equal status to them because they believe that the person doesn’t need or deserve to be recognized. It’s an unfortunate thing to see someone begrudgingly holding out on a simple thank you or congratulations, or even a job well done when it is well deserved, because of their own selfish belief. 

It is very imperative that we stop being selfish and arrogant. We must start showing appreciation to those who deserve it. The truth is the things people devote themselves doing you will never even attempt to do, yet you always find ways and reasons to complain and get out of appreciating those who deserve it. Show appreciation to those who sacrifice their time, resources, and their lives. Give honor where honor is due. Where you are acknowledging those, who do the things you do not have the skill, manpower, or simple courage to do. Show your appreciation to all who serve. That is what you’ve been called to do, not to judge those who serve and decide whose serving is deserving of praise. Show appreciation to others, especially in the house of the Lord. Do not take anyone’s work or gift for granted. Appreciate and honor inside and outside the house of the Lord. Do not let pride and envy lead you. Instead, where recognition is due, let the love of God lead you when you show appreciation and gratitude.

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