April 29
2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by believing and not by seeing.
If we live our lives based on what we see and what seems to be our lives will be one filled with unnecessary struggles. If we do everything based on what we know we will always find ourselves wanting. The best way to live is to live believing in God. Having faith in Him, in what He did on the cross for you and I, in His love and everything in between. The beauty of it all is that the Lord God our Savior sees everything. He sees what the future holds and what the presents carries, and by His power He can alter all things in our lives. The problem however is that we often want God to prove to us what He is capable of before we put our hearts in Him.
If there is one being who owes us no proof, it is God. He does not have to show Himself approved to anyone. As it is blessed indeed is the one who believes without first seeing. The world we live in teaches us otherwise, it teaches us to believe only after we have seen proof of what is being presented to us. However as Christians we do not subscribe to this way of life. We believe simply because Jesus is Lord and He has the entire world in His hand. Do not live like the world. Live like someone has been bought by the blood into sonship. Believe, simply because Jesus Christ is Lord of all.