April 24

Proverbs 11:25 

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Have you ever hesitated in your act of kindness? Has there been a time where you stopped to ask yourself what you would gain from the good you do? In most of our lives, we have all been through moments where we think twice before we do something kind because we are afraid we will not have enough if we give to others. It seems a bit ridiculous when you think about it because sometimes we consider for a moment what helping others can cost us even before we accept helping them.

His word says that ‘a generous person will prosper’ meaning, He will ensure the prosperity of the generous. Though this is a beautiful promise, one that we all would love to reap, it is also one we cannot achieve on our own. It is God who gives us the divine grace we need to show kindness and generosity. It is His grace that allows us the ability to refresh others. There is a blessing in giving and giving in abundance, but we need the Spirit of God to enable us to live a giving life.

Let us realize our dependence on God in every area of our lives even with something we believe capable of doing such as, being kind. We need God in everything that we do. Be kind to others, give even when you do not think you can. Ask God for grace to do all things genuinely and wholeheartedly, and you’ll see His face shining upon you. 

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