What You’ve Been Given

April 15

Genesis 2:15

The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. 

We each have our individual assignments in the kingdom of God. Each person has been given something to watch over and everything we have been given we must be able to account for when the time comes and the Lord’s request it. Our assignments may be different yours may be to lead the Sunday school ministry, another may be going into campuses and spreading the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet another may be going into the streets and feeding the homeless and clothing the less fortunate. Another may be going into foster care system and show the love of God to those who do not have it. There are varying assignments And they all require hard work, grace, discipline, and mercy. 

Look deep into your life search within your heart and find the very thing that the Lord has placed under your care. Whatever the assignment may be, no matter how big or insignificant you may think it is, give care and attention to it anyways. Put all your heart and soul into making it what the Lord requires of you. Do not take what God has given you and just throw it away. Rather take what He has given you and be the best watchman that anyone can be. So that you may produce fruits that will bring glory, honor, and praise to the name of the most high King. 

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