January 27
Exodus 4:30-31
“and Aaron told them everything the Lord had said to Moses. He also performed the signs before the people, and they believed. And when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.”
It’s human nature to give thanks when you receive something or when you’re benefited from something. For this reason we do take many things for granted.
When we become saved we sometimes have the tendency to bring the same way of thinking into our relationship with the Lord. In most cases we render thanks when we see drastic changes in our lives, or when we receive something we asked for. Thanksgiving should be the very thing that remains on our lips. Our thanksgiving should not be tied to anything else other than the fact that God is our Lord. Just as we see in the Israelites, they bowed down and worshiped at the simple fact that the Lord was concerned about them and thinking of them. Before God began to fight for them they were already filled with a heart of gratitude. Do not only render thanks when something drastic happens. Thank God for the things you consider little, like the mere fact that you have life because that alone is drastic in all ways. Give thanks to Him day in and day out.