February 22 It’s mind blowing what we claim with our mouths in the absence of our hearts. How we cry with our mouths “let your will be done” while our hearts wail let mine will prevail. Majority of the time we give half of ourselves to God. We tell God

February 21 It’s amazing how often we question God about our lives. It’s even more amazing and sad to see how knowledgeable we think we are about our lives than God is. Our inability to see in the future causes us to make decisions that can hurt us in the long

February 20 Can you count on your hands how often you treat people the way you want to be treated? The answer is probably yes because even though most of us would like to think we treat people the way we want to be treated the reality is that we

February 19 How can you die to something but yet live in it? How can you renounce something and still dine with it? Simply put you cannot. You cannot be dead to your sins while still living, breathing and dining in it. Often times we attend different conference and retreats

February 18 Indeed our Lord is Mighty and Great. Indeed the work of His hands are beautiful. He is our Majestic King and our Everlasting Father. He is the one who was and is to come. He is the one who has loved us even in the womb of our

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