March 14 God is in no way concerned with our lip service as He is with our heart. There is no sense in loving God with our lips when our hearts are absent. We are often in a very good and peaceful place with God until He asks us to

March 13 Often times we have so much noise around us. There are times we cannot even hear our own voices because it has been completely drowned out by the noise in this world. At some point in life, we all need to take a break from the things that

March 12 One of the greatest ways we can represent Christ is by showing other people His heart and His love. We ought to love others just as Christ loves us. There needs to be a difference in character between us and the world. There needs to be a difference

March 11 Revelation 1:8 NIV ““I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”” There is no god like our God. In all the earth none reigns as He. He is Jehovah, and He is I

March 10 It is difficult to go through the journey of life without having God by your side. In order to be successful, we have to be able to not only be in a relationship with God but we must also be able to hear Him for ourselves. He is

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