February 3

Ecclesiastes 1:9
History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. 

That act, or thing that the enemy is using to ensnare you isn’t new. The very trap and the sin he is using to keep you entrapped you and keep you in the pit of sin has been seen before. There is absolutely nothing new under the sun. There is nothing that you have done in the past, can do in the present, or could do in the future that can catch God by surprise. He knows all the weakness of man and all the schemes and trickery’s of the enemy. 

This means you can break loose from the sin the devil is using to destroy you. That very thing that the enemy has you thinking is beyond repair is definitely repairable. The thing he makes you feel like no one has ever done before has been seen. The enemy only deceives you into believing that you are the only one struggling with something or engulfed in something so that you refuse to ask for help. This is because he know if you open your mouth and seek help and seek God deliverance your be your portion, for this reason he’d rather have you think that there is no greater sinner than you and by so doing he manages to keep you in the cycle. 

There is absolutely nothing you can do that the Lord hasn’t seen before. Do not allow the trap of the enemy keep you in the cycle of sin. This is not to give pride to your sin, however, it is to expose the scheme of that enemy, and the plan he has to keep you deep in the grips of sin. No matter what you have done or are currently doing, the Lord sees it and is able to rescue you from it. Turn to Him and allow Him to help you and take you from the snares and the lies of the enemy. You are not beyond saving. The hands of God are not too short that they cannot reach you. He is able, so cry out to Him and begin to walk in liberty. God is ever ready to save you, only if you will call out to Him. 

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