February 11

Romans 8:1

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. 

Every so often the enemy finds a way to lurk us into his evil schemes. He draws us into his conniving ways and we find ourselves feeling condemned, or guilty, or in some cases complete sadness. God is very clear in His word and with that we have the assurance that we are not condemned. Every form of guilt, condemnation and depression is not from God. God is not worried about us falling but rather about us remaining in Him. Most of us fall so often because rather on focusing on remaining in Him we focus so much on escaping the fall until we fall and fall again. If you’re not careful you will allow the enemy so much control over your life that he will be able you steer you in a direction not laid out for you. 

As you’re now in Christ Jesus His blood has paid every price and you have nothing to worry about. As you are in Christ no thing can stand against you. Even in these moments where it may seem as though all hope is gone. Or for others it just looks like they no longer have hope, I want to remind you that you have a new found hope in Christ. What once had control over you now has no hold on you. As you are in Christ just remind yourself daily of the good God that He is. He does not condemn and He will not start now. Remain in Him and know that in Him you are secure, safe, and sound. Ask the Lord to remove any condemnation away from you and grant you grace to live free of the enemies schemes. 

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