Not Always Simple

May 22

John 9:2-3
“Rabbi,” his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?” “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.” 

You will not always have the right answers, neither will you know everything, however as a child of God this is fine because you serve the one who has all the answers and is all knowing. It is easy to think that everything happens because something else happened ahead of time. We like to finds reason for everything that happens even when there isn’t any reason for the events taking place in our lives. Some things will happen simply out of Gods discretion. 

It’s will not always be one plus one equals two. As children of God one plus one can sometimes equal three. There is nothing wrong with wanting to know the answers however it will not always be the case. There are certain things that will happen in your life that will not make sense. Certain circumstances will not have logical reasons for happening. This is because some things happen simply because God allows it to happen for the manifestation of His glory. All the things that happen in your life will not always be a direct result of something you do. Sometimes it will be simply God showing mercy and favor, other times it will be God using it to glorify Himself. In addition contrary to popular belief suffering isn’t always the byproduct of punishment. Therefore when you go through difficult season or experience certain struggle look for the good in it and give glory to God. He is able to use our suffering and struggles and issues as a means of building us up, strengthening our faith and deepening our relationship with Him. 

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