Just Be There

May 26

Galatians 6:2 NIV “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

As sons and daughters of God, we ought to look out for each other. We ought to stand up and fight for each.  other whenever necessary. Our hearts should burn for one another, and the desire to see everyone excel and prosper should be our hearts cry. Life is full of ups and downs and for that matter, there are certain seasons, we go through that will completely overwhelm us. Some circumstances will cripple our faith, while others will stunt our ability to pray. For this reason, we ought to be there each other. We have to be the shoulder our brothers and sisters cry on even as theirs becomes ours to cry upon. It is such a relief to know that in those times the Holy Spirit is interceding for us, just as it is to know that our friends and families are interceding for us as well.

The path we all travel will be different because our callings and destiny are different but we all deserve someone on our side. Pay close attention to your surroundings and see that many are sick, some dying, some drowning and debt and the fear of its outcomes have crippled them. These people are the very people closest to you and what you can do is to pray for them. So look around today and every other day following and identify those who need to be lifted up before the Lord and lift them up. Stand in the gap for your fellow brother or sister because as long as you’re on this journey they too will someday be standing in the gap for you. 

The same way you need someone at times is the same way someone needs you at times, so be there for one another.

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