Ephesians 1:19

I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him.  

It is impossible to fully understand the greatness and the height of Gods power. He has the power to do everything that you can ever think or dream of. He is able to heal every disease on the face of this planet. He is able restore every broken relationship as well as revive every broken soul. He is able to change every destiny and fulfill every promise He has ever made. He is the provider and protector of all men. The is the mighty warrior and the marvelous savior. He has the power to plant people in your life and the power to remove others. 

Nothing is too hard for Him. He is Mighty and glorious. He can do all things within and without the scope of man. If you believe in Him He can and will do all things for you and give you all the desires of your heart in accordance to His will. As His children the closer you get to Him the more you experience His power and His might. Moreover as His children we require grace to truly understand. Therefore I pray that the Lord will give us grace to understand the greatness of His power. 

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