January 31

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe. 

The name of the Lord is indeed a strong tower. It is a name that is mighty to save and able to sustain. It is a name for all men. His name delivers us and keeps us from falling. It is a name that is faithful in all it ways. It is a name that is able to stand all the storms of life and all the valleys of life. It is a name that is able to comfort and console all hearts. A name that brings hope comfort and peace. That is the power in the name of our God. 

It is a name that one ought to run to not run away from. Do not let the mistakes and mishaps of your life and the decisions you’ve made keep you away from running to him. Do not let your lack of faith keep you from stretching your hands out to him for help. Ask yourself, where or to whom do run I to when I’m in need? The chances are you run to friends or material that cannot sustain. In His name is safety and security. Do not stray from the Lord. Run into Him and you shall be saved. 

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