July 3

John 10:14

“I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me,”

Every mother knows the cry of her baby and every baby knows the voice and the touch of his or her mother. God in His infinite wisdom knows each and every one of us by name. He knows our individual cries and even our heartbeat. He knows our voice. His loves for you is so immense that out of the billions of people living and walking this earth you are on His radar with His shield covering over you and His angels assigned to watch over you.

God is right there with you. He hasn’t moved from His position since the start of your relationship together. If you have been feeling alone, be rest assured that He is with you. If you have been feeling weak trust that He is your strength. He loves you immeasurably and no one can change that.

He knows you, and He is speaking to you even at this moment. He is speaking to your heart and to your situation. Look closely to Him and Listen carefully to that still small voice that speaks even in your darkest moment. His voice hasn’t changed. It is still as gentle and as loving as ever. Listen to His voice and let that sooting and comforting voice guide you through the course of your life.

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