September 21

Matthew 8:25-26“The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.”‭‭

In times like these when there are so many different uncertainties with life and everything in between it is very easy to loose hope and to lose sight of the one who is in control of our lives. It is also very easy to feel as though you are like everyone else because you are all going through the same thing and filling up the same space that is filled with sickness and death and many more. 

You have to remember that as children of God you are always hidden. Even when everything begin to fall apart and world around you catches fire He is still with you. Because in the moment where you will see the fire burning and maybe even feel a small wave of its heat you will never get burned for you are hidden in His shadows. Do not be one who is faithless or who who has faith until something actually happens. Looking at this scripture He simply got up and He rebuked the wind and it was silent. Just at the sound of His voice alone the seas became silent. So don’t panic in the face of adversity rather pick up your rod of faith and stand firm. Do not be moved and remember that as a child of God he is always with you no matter the turn that this world takes. Have faith and trust that even in these times His hands are upon you. 

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