June 9

Deuteronomy 10:21

“He alone is your God, the only one who is worthy of your praise, the one who has done these mighty miracles that you have seen with your own eyes.”

It is Him whom you praise. Indeed He has done great and mighty things. He has kept you and covered you with His wings. His blood has been a mark on you and His countenance continues to shine on you. He is Mighty in His ways and worthy of glory and praise. He is the reason for our living, our breath is due to Him. Many are the miracles He has done for you, and that which He will continue to do. He is a good Father. One who is fond of His children, and puts His life down for the sake of theirs. He is an awesome father, a wonder friend and confidant. 

He deserves to be given the highest of all praise. All nations ought to sing songs of praises to His Holy name. All the great things you see in your life now are the doings of His hands. Therefore with every opportunity you have let praises flow from your heart to the Lord. Lift His name on High. Exalt Him and Bless His Holy name for He is good and Mercies endures forever. 

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