April 11

But the people of Israel, who tried so hard to get right with God by keeping the law, never succeeded. 

As Christians, mostly those of us who are young we focus so much of our time and our energy on in trying to stay out of the traps and the reach of sin. The sad part of it all, is most of us focus so much on not falling into sin that all we do is fall into in. Some of us believe that the more we work on not sinning the more victories we win. Although this philosophy may sound good on a surface level it is not always true. 

The idea isn’t to focus on sin, it is rather to be so focused and dependent on Christ that you do not even have the time to think of sin or to even battle with it. Sin will always stick its neck out to us. It will always come looking for the next person who is open to falling in its trap. When your focus shifts from Christ you are bound to fall. It’s is good to be obedient to the law, however it doesn’t help to follow the law outside of Christ. Do not be so focused on following the rules. Rather keep your focus on Christ. When your heart is set on Him you will not have time for anything else. Furthermore we must also realize that our salvation isn’t based on work. It is because of Gods goodness. It is when we begin to think that our works is what brings about our salvation that loose it all. In all your ways keep your heart and your focus on the Lord.

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