November 5

1 Timothy 5:3
Take care of any widow who has no one else to care for her. 

It is very easy to ignore the things which you ought to pay attention to as a believer simply because no one else is doing it or paying attention to it. 

As a community of believers there are many people in our midst that need care and attention. Many who need help however they are often overlooked because they are not necessary the most popular individuals in our midst. We have a tendency of focusing all our attention on those individuals who hold positions or have influence. However even in our midst are widows, orphans, individuals who needs love and attention whom we cast to the side. There is nothing wrong with honoring people of influence and position however we cannot throw away our brethren who have no one fighting for them. Be a voice for the widow and the fatherless. Look to those who are often overlooked and lend a hand. Help those who are unable to help themselves and show the love of God to them.

 Start from within your own circle and your own community. Chances are there are individuals who need love and attention yet they have been overlooked for one reason or another. Be a voice for the voiceless. 

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