February 13

Philippians 2:14

“Do everything without grumbling or arguing,”

How many times have you been given a task and gone through it instantly without grumbling and complaining. Many of us, when given a task or assignment whether by God or even our earthly parents, bosses, and authorities we find something to say about. We question why us and not someone else. We often want a reason before we do what is asked of us. Though that may seem reasonable when it comes to man, the same does not go for God. He does not need to explain Himself to us when He asks anything of us. Being that He is faithful, merciful and just we need not question every instruction He gives unto us. 

Think back to the last couple of months our many even years and look at all the things you have done out of grumbling and complaint. Examine yourself and your actions or inactions. Be truthful with yourself and make note of every avenue you can do better in. Whether in your personal walk with the Lord, your relationship with your parents and siblings, your boss and coworkers, ministry partners, etc. evaluate and list out the areas you can improve when it comes to doing things in grumbling. Do everything out of a loving heart even when it hurts. If you do everything through the grace that God has given you the difficult things will be easier to bear. Be joyful when presented with any and everything. And do it as unto the Lord

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