Bind Them And Write Them

January 30

Proverbs 3:3

“Do not let mercy and kindness and truth leave you [instead let these qualities define you]; Bind them [securely] around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.”

Being kind, merciful, and truthful is the literal imitation of Christ. Some of the characteristics that set Christ apart was His kindness, love, mercy, faithfulness, truthfulness etc. and as Christ followers these characteristics ought to define us in all our ways. These traits ought to never leave us. They should be found in us from day to day, in all our interactions and all our actions we take. These distinct qualities should paint the world we’re in on a much grandiose scale and in our personal life’s it ought to paint our relationships. 

It is very important that we do not allow these qualities to escape us. Be intentional in finding ways and opportunities that will allow your traits to stand out and bring glory to the Lord. Be defined by by the love, kindness, mercies, etc. of God. Do not get in the habit of “picking up and putting down” these traits when necessary. Be reminded that Christianity is not a piece of clothing that we can pick up and lay down at our disposal. It is a lifestyle and we must live that life every waking moment. Be define by these qualities and allow yourself the opportunity to make a difference not only in the life of others but in yours as well. 

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