Beauty of His Word

April 28

Psalm 119:18 NIV “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

May God grant you divine grace that you may be able to see and understand His Word completely and with revelation. Many times we read the Word of God solely for reading sake, not for understanding or for insight but simply so we can say we have read the Word. The Word is not something we can read just for the sake of reading, because when it comes to reading the Word we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We need the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of our heart and our minds that we may truly understand God. This means we must pray before we read the Word and pray afterward that we may see what our eyes and heart cannot detect on is own. We must ask God for a revelation of His word which is something only He can give us. One problem that most of us have is that we see the Word of God as burdensome and this, of course, takes all the joy out of being drowned in the word.

We must learn to see the beauty and the unadulterated truth that lies in the word of God. We must open ourselves to God so He can share what He has with us. Even as you read your Word I pray that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of your hearts and understanding that you may receive the revelation He has for you in Jesus name! May your eyes be opened to see the beauty and the gospel truth of His word.

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