For the past few years, I have received a biblical devotional from Florence in a consistent fashion. I’m not going to lie, at first, I would normally blow past them because, well, wisdom to God is foolishness to man. In other words, I had little interest in the readings. But as I grew in my walk, I began to take my time to read them and, wow. You know the cliche saying, “it’s the little things”? Although seemingly corny, it’s the saying proves true. When I allowed Holy Spirit to slow me down and read the devotionals, I found myself going, “wow, praise God”. The devotionals have encouraged, rebuked, corrected, and flat out educated me. A lot of devotionals will mainly focus on encouragement because apparently, no one wants to be the bearer of badness. (That’s a story for another day) but Flo allows herself to be used by God to speak on the entire of His truth. She pulls scriptures from the Old Testament, New Testament, the prophets, psalmists, disciples, and makes sure to remains within the bounds of God’s word. I’m thankful to be on her mailing list and look forward to the growth of this ministry that God has brought forth.