January 26
Exodus 3:14
“God said to Moses, “ I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘ I am has sent me to you.’ ”
Think of the greatness of God. How great are His power and His might. He is one who is power in it of itself. He is All encompassing and all-knowing.
Imagine the Lord, the I AM who saved the Israelites being your God. Well He is! Imagine Him being on your side and standing for you. He is already doing that as well. The Lord who single handedly delivered the Israelite out if bondage is your Lord. He has all power and has given you all power. The Majestic One is your God and He is on your side. Life May get overwhelming and unbearable in so many ways. However when the weight of life begin to weigh down on you, do yourself a favor and remind your soul of the God you serve. Remind yourself of the power behind you and of the hand that is upon you. The I AM is the same yesterday, today, and forever and He can do all things. So no matter what happens in your life know that you have the I AM on your side.