He Planned So He Knows

April 3

There’s a sense of peace knowing that God is in control. He preappointed you before you even knew the difference between night and day! He knows everything about you and is able to do exceedingly and abundantly in your life.  Knowing that God thought about everything concerning us, ought to give us hope to always turn to Him. Having knowledge of this, we have to constantly look to Him and await His orders because He already knows what our lives ought to look like.

There is a purpose for your life and your existence is not accidental or coincidence. Even if man did not plan for you, God already had you in mind. He thought of everything and decided to you choose as an individual.  We must seek God to know what his plans are for us, and we must ask for the grace not to merely see what God has planned for us but for grace to fulfill those plans and purposes.

The God who created you know everything there is to know about you, therefore He must be your first point of contact in everything. Hold Him to His word and know that He has your best interest at heart.

Acts 17:26

“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,”

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