Do You Know Him

June 30

John 10:14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—”‭‭

A question that we as Christians must answer in our life’s at one point or another is this, “Do you know the Lord”. The scripture says I know my sheep and my sheep knows me. However for the sheep to know the shepherd there has to be a relationship between the two. The sheep has no way of knowing the voice of the shepherd if that sheep never takes time to study and become familiar with that voice. Take this scenario for instance a baby who is only a few weeks old knows the voice of their mother, why because they spend all their time with her and likewise in a crowd of a dozen screaming babies that mother know the voice of her child. 

Christ as a good shepherd is a fact that can not be refuted. It is a truth that remains true regardless of time and or circumstance. Likewise when it comes to Him knowing us it is already done. However when it comes to us knowing Him there is a work that ought to be done on our part. It is one thing to know him by head knowledge and another thing to Know Him and know His voice. So yes He knows His sheep and His sheep knows Him, but you must ask yourself do you know Him, or do you just have an idea of Him. Having an idea does not constitute having relationship. God is a good shepherd no question about that, the question is “are you a good sheep”? Do you spend time in trying to build with the father as you ought to do. Being a sheep also has a responsibility and that role must be played well. Take sometime and ask the Lord for the grace to know Him and know Him well. 
Say a prayer and ask for His grace a mercy, He is able. 

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