Nothing Impossible

March 2

Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” 

As a mere human you have limitations. There are certain things you can do and others that you cannot. Likewise as a mere human your strength has its limits and when that limit is reached there’s nothing left to be done. 

God on the other hand has no limitations. He is able to do all things. At His very word the seas become silent and the wind stands still. At the very sound if his voice the earth stands still. He has no boundaries, and there is nothing that he cannot do. The earth and all it’s inhabitants belong to Him and Him alone. He is able to do all things and in Him you as a child of God can also do all things. Is there a mountain in your life that seems immovable, or a circumstance that seems insurmountable? If there is look to God. The one who makes all impossible things possible. Do not depend on your strength or knowledge. Rather depend on God and He will make all things possible. Remember to always look to Him, for the things that are humanly impossible are possible with Him. 

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