April 21

Galatians 6:10
Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone–especially to those in the family of faith. 

In these times of great despair, where people are dying countlessly. Where some families do not even have the luxury of identifying their dead. In these times where sorrow and hopelessness has gripped many individuals so much so that many people have wept and continue to weep without end, in these times we ought to show the love and the goodness of God more than ever. 

This is the time that we ought to be there for one another. This is not a time where we only look out for our own well-being but also for the well-being of others. In these times we ought to intercede for those being negatively affected, both within and outside of the church. We must intercede for those who are fighting in the front lines in this current climate. When ever you get the opportunity to pray for someone take it with grace and intercede as though you’re doing so for yourself. If you have the opportunity to be a shoulder for someone, take it. Even if it’s an opportunity to provide groceries for someone or donate to a cause take it. We are the light of this world, therefore let us endeavor to shine bright. Let us step up in this season and show the world the goodness of God. Whenever and however an opportunity will present itself, do your best to showcase the love and goodness of the Almighty God. 

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