April 8

Romans 2:4

Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you?  Does this mean nothing to you?  Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?  

God’s patience towards us is not meant to keep us in our sinful ways rather it is meant to bring us out of our sins. When God shows mercy in the mist of your sins and in the mist of all your wrongdoings it is not to aid you to continue in it rather it’s purpose is to draw you out, to give you a chance at repentance, and to allow you once again the privilege to go to the Lord confess your sins, leave those sins behind never to pick them up again. Do not misunderstand the kindness and the mercies of God. His patience and kindness towards you is to bring you into a state of Godly sorrow and by so doing into a state of repentance. 

Do not misuse God’s mercy do not misuse His patience. He is a good and a loving God but He also is a God of justice. Do not forget that. Do not deceive yourself into believing that God is only a God of love and nothing more. As you go throughout your day and as you live through life be disciplined in your actions. Be Careful not to take the kindness goodness patience faithfulness etc. of God for granted. Lastly as God treats you with patience and kindness in the midst of your sin, do the same for others. Let your humility lead you as you pull others out of sin. 

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