January 30 The enemy will very well love to take you by surprise. He likes to hit you where you never expected but he’s incapable of doing so. He prowls around like a ROARING LION, meaning before he jumps into attack mode he has already tipped you off many times. Now whether you take that warning and do something about it it’s all up to you. Many times we ignore all the signs of a fall until the fall happens. The time when your husband or your wife suddenly began
January 31 It’s amazing what becomes of us and all of our troubles, successes, headaches, and heartaches when we put it all in the hands of God. Take a second and think about a time you took things into your own hands. When you tried to solve that problem on your own, how well did it really go? Probably not too well, but many of us, even after many failures still try to do it all on our own. We fail to realize that the only place that true victory,