August 8
Luke 5:27
Later, as Jesus left the town, he saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him.
How many of us can look to God and say Father I am at your beck and call? How many of will get up and move just at the sound and command of God? Oftentimes we want to know the answer to every question before we move to God’s command. We want to have everything on a platter, but praise be to God that He doesn’t always allow us to always have our way.
God wants someone who is ready to give their all, someone who is ready to move when He speaks someone who is ready to give up everything just to follow him, He is looking for someone who is ready. So the question is, how ready are you to choose God and forsake all else? To remain in him and to stick to everything he has called you to even when nothing makes sense. Where is your heart, where is your mind, where does your desire lie? Like the disciples and like this tax collector are you ready to surrender all of yourself and take all of Jesus?
To choose Him is the best decision you can ever make. He loves you and He is ready to care for and to be there for you whenever you need. He is able to protect, provided, guide, etc. He is able to do all exceedingly and abundantly. Decide today who you will choose? There is only one who has everything in the palm of His hands and that is Jesus. If you have Him you have everything! Go wherever He is leading you. Take a step of faith and believe in His timing. Choose Him because He is the one decision you will never regret.